
Our ministries are an expression of the compassion and creativity God has placed in our church. Out of the overflow of his work in our hearts, we have a mandate to impact our community and our family through good work led by the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in volunteering in one of our ministries, please contact us or go to our volunteer page to learn more.



Worship is right at the heart of our ministry. In everything we say and do, we want to honour and worship God. Our worship ministry is focused on musical worship for Sunday morning and Wednesday night meetings, as well as creative worship, like flagging, painting, dancing, and more.

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Children’s Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to helping our kids encounter God through prayer, hearing the Word, sharing together and experiencing the Holy Spirit. We’re passionate about children knowing God, His works, and His Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven.

We currently have 2 kids classes: Age 3-5 and Grades 1-6. We also provide a nursery where parents can care for their own children and listen to the main service at the same time.

Young Adult Ministry

Our Young Adults at Catch The Fire Toronto East are an integral part of our congregation. Participating in everything from leading worship and connect groups, to setup and tech team. From hosting services to participating in and leading prayer meetings.

They also love connecting to spur each other on in their relationship with our Father, and simply having fun together! Regular meetings are at Kajan & Rachel’s @ 7:30 pm. (See Connect Group page)

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Connect Groups

Connect groups are small groups of people that meet together in homes on a regular basis. Want to grow in your relationship with God? Develop new friendships? Join a Catch The Fire Toronto East Connect Group to get plugged into our church family and help you go deeper with God.
View a list of current connect groups available for Young Adults, Families and mixed.

Discipleship Training Events

We believe your Father wants you to continue to grow in three primary areas: loving God, loving others and loving yourself. We host events that will help you develop leadership skills, strengthen your relationship with the Father, improve your day-to-day relationships and provide you with valuable tools to help you get through every day.

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